RIP Ishii-san
Cheng Ho Food Fetival
When dusk knock earth door has been selected for publication
This is crazy and I'm shiver when I read this mail. 0___0 very unexpected
Dear Nurul Ain,
The editorial team of Boulevard of Photographers regularly examines photographs submitted by professional and amateur photographers from all over the world.
We publish in an Anthology the photographs that we particularly like.
We are pleased to notify you that your photograph When dusk knock earth door has been selected for publication. To see how Editor John Warton reviews photography, please log ontowww.thephotochallenge.com. There you will see hundreds of reviews and will be able to get his direct, personal feedback on your photo.
Kindly reply to this email if you give us your permission to publish or if we shall withdraw your photograph.
We would like to congratulate you for being selected for publication as part of our highly acclaimed Photography Anthology. You now also have access to several networking opportunities aimed at exposing you to the photography community.
To recognize and reward selected photographers, we have established $6500 in prizes to be awarded at the sole discretion of our editorial team, based on merit. Should you be selected for prizes, we will notify you immediately.
Your photograph, When dusk knock earth door, was selected ...
.. and will be published (with your permission) in our acclaimed "Best Of 2011 Photography", Deluxe, 8.5" X 11", Hard bound, 300 pages Special Edition anthology.
Panoramic photos
Vintage Kebaya
Blooming lotus
Business Card Design
Flyer design
Giving some food
Smoking boys - Are they really useless people?
Smoking boys; when people looked at them, they'll say who's their parents? Why they let their sons smoking, lepak, blax10000 and so on. That's what people thought and they'll say "you're useless boys, will never have a bright future. But when I saw them didn't want to buy something from an old lady who happened to sell something at street, they said to that lady in a good way, I was a bit starlet and surprised and I wonder if people who looked down at them would change their mind or not?
Dusk again
FreeLance PhotoGraphic Designer
My name is Ain Aznan and I am a freelance photo graphic designer based in Malaysia.
I have been dedicating my time to helping companies and individuals redesign and improve their corporate and portfolio design; making them simpler, clearer, more efficient and professional.
Please browse through my projects here to get a feel of my style and approach in web design.
If I am the right designer for you, please leave comment at my blog comment and I'll reply you about your needs. I enjoy meeting new clients and would love to **collaborate with you.
Good day.