baiklah ini adalah isu STARBUCKS stlh seorg hamba Allah dah call JAKIM.

S : Apa status HALAL restaurant STARBUCKS? dekat FB ada orang claim STARBUCKS haram dan siap bagi nombor JAKIM untuk info lanjut.
J : Kami TIDAK pernah keluarkan apa-apa kenyataan pasal ni cik. STARBUCKS memang HALAL diorang ada sijil HALAL dari JAKIM.

p/s:sebarkan, jangan kita terlibat sama dengan FITNAH. TQ.<----sumber dari seorang hamba Allah....


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FreeLance PhotoGraphic Designer

My name is Ain Aznan and I am a freelance photo graphic designer based in Malaysia.

I have been dedicating my time to helping companies and individuals redesign and improve their corporate and portfolio design; making them simpler, clearer, more efficient and professional.

Please browse through my projects here to get a feel of my style and approach in web design.

If I am the right designer for you, please leave comment at my blog comment and I'll reply you about your needs. I enjoy meeting new clients and would love to **collaborate with you.

Good day.