T-shirt design-Urban style

T-shirt design, hmmm I want to make more. Stilll need to improve it after all.

The panoramic

The panoramic view of Sultan Salahudin Abdul Aziz Syah at Shah Alam. I shoot it when Maghrib almost around the corner. Click to enlarge it.

penceroboh bilik

Penceroboh bilik aq, suka benar dia curi mee maggi, moden la katanya

Old works

I do these artworks last year and I used at least 40 layers n feel it's too much, but i do enjoying coloured n draw these :)

Waiting for the dusk

It's been shoot at Menara Canselor, UiTM Shah Alam. My friend and I climbed the roof and we found a very strategic place to shoot.

Setting my tripod

Posing for a while

Very beautiful

Cloud disturbed my chance to shoot, so sad.

Still have time to pose.

Already drunk by seeing the dusk.

Looking for the sunset.


Please click any link you want to view the content.

Flora and Fauna


Impressionism style, my task. On canvas, it abot 4 feetx3 feet.

Too much spam...

Email is the 1st thing that I'm gonna open when I started 2 browse internet. But unfortunatelly when I open it....

Yes, too much spam...(-_______-")

Pemimpin itu adalah...

Perlu diingat, pemimpin kebenaran yang dijanjikan dapat mengubah masyarakat seperti yang tersebut di atas itu mengikut peringkat masing-masing. Bukan melalui kuasa, akta, undang-undang bertulis dan ugutan hukuman. Tidak sekali-kali. Kalau ada pun, terlalu sedikit. Bahkan di peringkat jemaah, mereka tidak punya kuasa untuk membuat akta serta undang-undang rasmi. Tidak juga tentera dan polis untuk menjalankan penguatkuasaan.

Perubahan masyarakat berlaku hasil didikan, ilmu, tunjuk ajar dan pimpinan dengan penuh hikmah dan kasih sayang secara istiqamah dan sistematik yang mereka lakukan dengan gigih dan sukarela. Peribadi pemimpin itu benar-benar menjadi contoh. Mereka buat kerja ini bukan kerana permintaan sesiapa. Tidak juga kerana jawatan atau hobi. Pun tidak kerana sesuatu kepentingan. Kecuali kerana membuktikan kehambaan dan sumpah janji bahawa hidup mati adalah untuk Allah.

Berbeza dengan pemimpin Islam yang tidak dijanjikan, mereka yang dijanjikan ini berjaya dalam tugas memimpin. Manakala yang lain, tidak. Mereka selamat dan menyelamatkan umat. Tetapi pemimpin yang tidak dijanjikan, kalau dia selamat pun dia tidak berjaya menyelamatkan orang lain sekalipun kuasa ada di tangan. Apakah ciri-ciri yang mem-bezakan ini? Antara ciri-ciri itu ialah:

  1. Pemimpin yang Allah sendiri tunjuk dan lantik, pastilah Allah bantu dengan ilmu sama ada dalam bentuk wahyu kalau dia nabi dan rasul atau ilham kalau dia wali. Terutama ilmu mendidik, memimpin, menyelesaikan masalah membangun, menghadapi musuh, kaedah, teknik, strategi dan lain-lain lagi. Ilmu yang Allah beri itu adalah ilmu yang paling tepat untuk zaman di mana pemimpin itu dilahirkan. Sedangkan pemimpin yang tidak dijanjikan, tidak memperolehi ilmu-ilmu yang istimewa ini. Hingga sukar sekali mereka membuat perubahan dan mengatur rancangan-rancangan baru.
  2. Pemimpin yang dijanjikan, Allah sendiri memberi rezeki dari sumber yang tidak diduga (yakni dari Allah sendiri), sama ada untuk peribadi, keluarga dan perjuangannya. Allah alirkan rezeki dan keperluan tepat pada masanya, dengan cara-cara yang Allah tetapkan. Sehingga hal kewangan tidak pernah menjadi masalah penting dalam perjuangannya. Sedangkan pemimpin yang tidak dijanjikan tidak memperolehi rezeki yang istimewa ini.
  3. Pemimpin yang dijanjikan, diri peribadinya dididik dan dipelihara langsung oleh Allah. Hinggakan dia mempunyai taqwa, akhlak, fikiran, hati, perasaan dan sikap serta tindak-tanduk yang terbaik di zamannya dan terpimpin, sesuai dengan darjat mengikut peringkat masing-masing. Kalau rasul disebut maksum, wali-wali dipanggil mahfuz. Kesilapan mereka ditegur oleh Allah. Sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Sikap baik mereka didorong oleh Allah. Mereka diberi ketahanan hati. Hal begini tidak berlaku kepada pemimpin yang tidak dijanjikan.
  4. Pemimpin yang dijanjikan oleh Allah, Allah bantu dengan pertolongan ghaib. Cara-cara pertolongan ghaib ini berbagai bentuk seperti mukjizat (untuk nabi dan rasul), keramat (untuk wali), maunah, kasyaf, ilham, hatif dan lain-lain lagi. Bilamana cara-cara lahir tidak lagi boleh memberi peranan, maka Allah datangkan pertolongan ghaib yang boleh memberi bantuan pada perjuangan dan kepimpinan pemimpin yang dijanjikan ini. Pertolongan bentuk ini tidak diberi kepada pemimpin yang tidak dijanjikan.
  5. Kenaikan pemimpin yang dijanjikan bukan bersandar kepada sokongan rakyat atau orang ramai. Allah sendiri naikkan dia dengan cara-cara tersendiri pula. Ertinya, dia tidak bergantung sangat kepada jasa manusia, sama ada dalam menaikkan atau menjatuhkannya. Dia mempunyai cara dan kekuatan sendiri yang cukup untuk menaikkannya.

    Sebab itu pemimpin yang dijanjikan, kepimpinannya berjaya dan dia memimpin seumur hidup. Dia diterima oleh hati manusia, bukan dengan undian jari atau kertas undi atau lobi-melobi dan jauh sekali dengan membeli undi. Sedangkan pemimpin yang tidak dijanjikan, dinaikkan oleh rakyat. Hakikatnya dia dikuasai oleh rakyat dan terpaksa berbuat ikut selera rakyat. Sukar bagi dia untuk berbuat ikut kehendak Tuhan. Kedudukannya sentiasa terancam dan mudah terjatuh sebelum berjaya menegakkan hukum.
  6. Pemimpin yang dijanjikan hidup zuhud dan miskin. Kalau sebelum jadi pemimpin dia kaya, tetapi bila jadi pemimpin terus miskin atau kurang kekayaan. Ini kerana kekayaannya itu dikorbankan untuk rakyat dan negara. Rasulullah menghabiskan harta kekayaan isterinya yang dihadiahkan kepadanya. Sayidina Abu Bakar r.a. juga menghabiskan kesemua kekayaannya. Sayidina Umar Al Khattab r.a. mengorbankan 75% daripada hartanya. Sayidina Usman ibnu Affan r.a., setengah kekayaannya dikorbankan untuk Islam. Sayidina Ali k.w. memang asalnya miskin. Khalifah Umar Abdul Aziz, kekayaannya dan kekayaan isterinya dijadikan milik negara.
  7. Pemimpin yang dijanjikan dapat kawal masyarakat bukan menggunakan polis, tentera, penjara, hudud dan qisas, akta, undang-undang dan seumpamanya. Kalau ada pun terlalu sedikit sekali. Sebaliknya mereka dapat jinakkan hati-hati manusia daripada cenderung kepada kejahatan kepada cenderung pada kebaikan. Yang mana bila hati sudah baik, hati itu sendiri yang membenci kejahatan dan menolak dari melakukannya. Sedikit saja bilangan rakyat yang masih suka kepada maksiat dan kemungkaran. Maka yang sedikit inilah yang terpaksa dihudud dan diqisaskan sebagai didikan. Moga-moga hukuman dapat memahamkan dia perihal akibat melakukan kejahatan.

    Dengan cara memimpin yang luar biasa ini, pemimpin yang dijanjikan benar-benar dapat membina masyarakat aman, makmur dan mendapat keampunan Allah.
  8. Pemimpin yang dijanjikan sebenarnya tidak mengharap dan tidak meminta untuk menjadi pemimpin. Apalagi hendak diusahakan atau direbutkan, tidak sekali-kali. Bahkan mereka tidak mahu dan takut sekali dengan jawatan kepimpinan. Tidak nampak tanda-tanda langsung yang mereka ini ghairah dan gila kuasa.

Time to listen to the song

Shut up! That's fucking bullshit!

Fuck off
With your righteous face
A monkey that only thinks about deceiving
So now I ask the blind

Shut up! That's fucking bullshit!

The wily gun resounds - Headless body
The wily gun resounds - Headless body
So laugh your head off - I'm damned

Fuck off
With your righteous words
Always in denial with that face
It's time to disappear

The wily gun resounds - Headless body
The wily gun resounds - Headless body
So laugh your head off - I'm damned

I say destroy, fuck off
Why... I live without feeling the truth
I do not know where love is...

Shut up!

The wily gun resounds Headless body
The wily gun resounds Headless body
So laugh your head off - I'm damned

Shut up! That's fucking bullshit
Blood tastes like vanilla

We have freedom

So, the issue of blocking files sharing websites didn't come to the end. So government just give up. Why must you blocked all the sites? You think it's for download movie only? We download assignment!!! A-S-S-I-G-N-M-E-N-T-S!!! Can you spell that?

A humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition! The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. [laughs] Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose.

Dark Illustration

You can call it as despression, darkness, bloody or something else....

When this bird stars to become angry....

Can you see he's angry now?

Result oh result

UiTM result came to my inbox and then I was scared. But when I saw my mail, I was quite shocked because there's no C. Only A and B. Almost cried because at last I can increase my pointer. Thanx to Allah, my parents and also friends. Thank you so much.

My face when I see my result.

Art Process no.2 - Zemotion photo

Alright art process no.2. I took Zemotion's photo as my prey huhu. So, let's take a look.

Process 1: As usual, trace using Illustrator CS3 or Photoshop CS3. And then colour the base color which is basic colors

Process 2: Yes, I know th eyelashes was a bit hard to make by using mouse. So the tips is, download eyelashes brush at :)

Process 4: You need 2 change setting of your brush. Click brush, click right at smoothing and other dynamic option, the at click dynamic changed it 2 fade effect. Then, now coloured the eyebrow.

Process 5: My favourite is the lips. make the details, then erased the artlines.

Process 6: Coloured the hair black. All black.

Process 7: Then, add the hairlines. Detail the area that you want.

Process 8: Then, coloured some black to black blue, as the second hairlines.

Process 8: It should be like this. yes we almost finish.

Final Image:

As I can said: You need to practice more because colouring with mouse is 10 times harder than using tablet.

Protest ads campaign

Maybe these could make them feel 'SENTAP', but honestly guys, did they care how we feel when they keep taking everything from us, tell lies and now they took our freedom.

Hunting as usual

There's new freelance job. They replied my email. Hopefully I will got the job since I really need money to buy camera. It's hard for me to borrow camera from faculty.

When they made me mad, creative ideas will come

This will happen.....

When SKMM blocked file sharing, this gonna happen

This will happen if they still want to continue.....

So, still want do it?

Digital Art Process (without tablet) - Aoi the GazettE

This is the process how I coloured artwork in Photoshop CS3. Most people doing this using tablet like wacom, kanvus light and so on. But, this can be done by using mouse since I'm using mouse not a tablet. So, from here you can see the whole process:

Process 1: First step: I trace the line using Adobe illustrator CS3. You can do Photoshop CS3 as well or just scan the line you made by hand. Alrite, after you're done with artwork, first you colour the artwork with basic colours including put the first shadow. I started with face first. I'm usually do hair at last. You can see in this pic:

Process 2: Then I'll start with eyes. It's not same like the original one but it's okay since it's a first try.

Process 3: Here you will detail the face and also coloured the lips. You can erased the previous artline you made at his lips and also nose.

Process 4: After that, I coloured the hair with black and adding first highlight with brown at his hair. as you can see, one layer for his hair, one layer for his face. basically it's 3 basic layers you need to done this process. Then, I use small brush 1 pixel and done the hairline. Finish with it, I copy the hairline and arranged it while playing with layer option and you will different colours of his hairlines.

Process 5: Then I erased some of coloured in the area I don't want.

Process 6: To make it hair look realistic, you need hair brush, as you can see the hair will look smooth.

The 7 process: Then you will finish the clothes:

The final image:

Since doing with mouse taking time, you should practice always and it's challenging more than using tablet.

When you can't close your eyes

yesterday couldn't sleep, so this is what happened huhuh

If you want it.....

Blog is a good tool to express your thought and also your ability. For me, it's a platform to me to update my recent works which it became my online portfolio. When I saw my blog, I recently noticed most of my works comes from photography. Honestly, I still learning to shoot a good photo which it tells a story, playing with angle, light and composition. When I see my photos, I started to thinking, what I do actually want to be? A designer? Or a full time photographer? Honestly when I decided taking Art and Design, I know this is the only thing that I can do since I got the ability.

For me to become both of them are good, since I will get more knowledge. Sometimes to get knowledge, we need to sacrifice something especially money. Me, myself not comes from a rich family, but Allah never stop people who have desire to learn more and more. So, I was grateful when I got a chance to learn, I'll grab it since I know it won't happen twice. But sometimes most of friends didn't really want those rare chance because their reason is busy, don't have time and also not really good in those things. That time I feel like "Come on, guys! Be mature". Even a baby need to learn how to walk consistently.

I remember my lecturer said before to me, "if you want something, then get it or do it. If you don't want to, then don't get it or do it."

Interview with Anonymous Hackers, Malaysia Next Target

This is what I read today, honestly I support the hackers since they were 2 stupid 2 band files sharing and what they think we Malaysia are very rich like the corrupt ministers?! Hell it!

The “hacktivist” group, Anonymous, posted a mission statement to Pastebin on June 12 describing the reasoning behind their planned and upcoming attack on official Malaysiangovernment websites. Anonymous warned, “We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom, we [will be] obligated to act fast and have no mercy.”

Anonymous claims that Malaysia is preventing the free distribution of information by censoring its internet, calling it “one of the world’s strictest governments,” similar to the reasoning behind their recent attacks on Turkishgovernment websites, after which 32 people—who the Turkish government claimed were members of Anonymous—were arrested.

Sources within Anonymous revealed several details in an exclusive interview with the Epoch Times on the upcoming action, organization, and target selection process of the group.

Anonymous revealed that target countries are selected based on input from users in those countries, however when asked whether or not there were Anonymous in Malaysia, they responded only that “[We] cannot give you that info.”

They further revealed that certain countries, however notorious for internet censorship, like China, are incredibly difficult to attack because they do not have many users who are based in the country and therefore do not have effective inside sources to relay information. The group says an attack on China might come someday, but not any time soon.

Sources within Anonymous went on to say they understand that the Malaysian government will “not be happy” and are anticipating a negative reaction. In order to remain covert and prepare for the operation, Anonymous have been advising all of their participants to use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) in order to encrypt their network connections and transfer their data from remote locations that cannot be accessed without authentication.

The sources say that users who have been arrested before failed to use VPNs or other security measures to protect their identities. Anonymous does respond when their members are detained however.

The group retaliated against Spain on Friday for arresting three of its members by taking down the Spanish official police website—the effort being known as OpPolicia—for “a combined total of a lot more than an hour”, contrary to what some news sources reported.

The sources said that even now, “OpTurkey”, the continuation of efforts against the Turkish government in response to the arrests made in Turkey, was underway. One member said, “I cannot speak for the future of the operation, but currently [the site that is targeted] has been down for 1 hour already and it seems more popular than OpPolicia, and it looks like the target’s server is crap, so it might stay down for some time.”

They revealed that they fear “being backtracked” and do worry about getting caught, however they feel safer knowing that “there is a liberating faith” in the nature of Anonymous. One member stated “It’s what makes it fun though.”

The nature of Anonymous is most accurately described in their name. They view themselves as less of a real group and more of a collective of voices who speak out and protest against censorship and what they believe are efforts to suppress the freedom of speech and information. The composition of their membership may vary from day to day and anyone can be a part of anonymous at any time without any real or permanent stake.

When asked if they had a large user base in the Middle East, they responded, “[our] groups aren’t groups, they’re scattered everywhere. We don’t even know.”

The sources also stated that they have had interaction with another hacker group which has been making headlines, LulzSec. However, they stated that they have not been involved with any of LulzSec’s activities nor has LulzSec been involved with Anonymous operations.

They did state that in a sense, LulzSec are also “Anons” because they share a similar root. “They are Anons,” however, “LulzSec has nothing to do with Anonymous, apart that they sprang of the same base.”
Anonymous continues to affirm that “we’re trying to loosen the ties on Malaysia’s government and itsinternet censorship.”

According to purported Anonymous images circulating around the web, the attack on Malaysia is to commence on June 15th.

Allah's creatures

I call these unique especially when there's a group of fishs that can live in dirty water at Titiwangsa monorail, the firefly and lotus were shoot at Taman Tasik Cyberjaya.

FreeLance PhotoGraphic Designer

My name is Ain Aznan and I am a freelance photo graphic designer based in Malaysia.

I have been dedicating my time to helping companies and individuals redesign and improve their corporate and portfolio design; making them simpler, clearer, more efficient and professional.

Please browse through my projects here to get a feel of my style and approach in web design.

If I am the right designer for you, please leave comment at my blog comment and I'll reply you about your needs. I enjoy meeting new clients and would love to **collaborate with you.

Good day.